Kate's New Place: Before Photos

Like so many people during this crazy time, I have found myself constantly reevaluating nearly every aspect of my life recently. Kate here, and today I’m excited to share the news that I’m moving into a new place this month! As you can see from the pics in this post, we are currently living in a sea of cardboard boxes.

Today I’m sharing a few initial before photos of our new home, but soon I’ll be writing a much more in-depth post about all my best moving tips (plus the many mistakes we made!) so stay tuned for more coming soon.


Clearly you’ll notice that Nola, our rescue pup, is already making herself at home here. To be totally honest she’s pretty confused about the whole process given that we’ve only had her for about three months, but it’s been fun to introduce her to her new neighborhood and let her explore a little!

We decided to look for a new place for a few different reasons, but having little Nola as a part of our family was really the main one. The house we’ve been living in shares a backyard with neighbors, who are lovely folks, but it’s been really difficult to navigate with a new doggo.

Below is one side of the (very messy) kitchen with our tiny interim fridge while we wait for the real thing to arrive…


Another reason we decided to take the jump and move is probably a pretty common one for anyone who is moving during Covid - we’re spending almost 100 percent of our time at home and want to make the most of it.

Weirdly, a couple of my best friends and several people I know are also moving right now. It seems like everyone is reassessing so much about their home life now that we’ve all had a chance to settle into this season of staying home.

We picked out our last place right after we moved back to the US from spending six months in France, and though it was an awesome house with tons of vintage charm, at the time we both traveled a ton for work and honestly hardly ever cooked at home or spent much time there. Spending the past four months in our house definitely brought to light some of the challenges of the place, and we figured there’s no time like the present to do something about it.


We started looking into options a couple months ago, and once we found this place we knew it was the right one. Not only are we saving money compared to what we were paying before, but we also were able to find something with a private little yard for Nola and a bonus room for my studio and office. Definitely a win-win!


I’ll be sharing a lot more on here documenting the process of making this new place our home in the coming weeks and months, but just wanted to give you guys a little sneak peek of a few before pics as I continue unpacking boxes until the end of time!

How is this stay-at-home season affecting your relationship to your place?

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