Posts tagged journaling
Why I Started Printing My Photos (5 Ideas To Try)

After replacing my phone last week due to yet another phone shattering episode, I glanced at the number of photos on my camera roll to discover that there were - wait for it - 22,375 pictures in there. The photos date back to 2017, but STILL - that number is ridiculous.

This same digital photo overload is what prompted me to start rethinking my photo organization when I first started printing my photos back in 2015. Now that we all pretty much have a super sophisticated camera in our pocket wherever we go, we take a LOT of pictures. and I’m not just talking about the 48 selfies it takes to get a good one (been there). We’re capturing so many aspects of our lives every day, but the question is what on earth do we actually DO with all of them?

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Travel Journaling: Inspiration and Supplies

when i was a kid, i used to bring a little notebook along on vacation (more than likely it was some super lit Lisa Frank one) and write about all the stuff we did on our trip. i SO wish i knew where those notebooks were. not only does travel journaling help you preserve awesome memories, it also provides a really cool on-the-go creative outlet. i find that when i'm traveling, i don't get as many chances to be creative unless i'm really mindful about it, and this new style of travel journaling that seems to be all over insta just might be the answer. the notebooks are small, easy to pack, and the pages are blank which means endless possibilities. my favorite journals are the ones that combine writing/diary entries, photos, and sketching or drawing. 

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