How To Get Comfortable With Being A Beginner

Have you ever been so excited to try something new or learn a new skill, only to find yourself immediately feeling discouraged at the frustration of being a complete beginner at it?

Today we’re both teaming up to share a really fun post about exactly that - being a beginner, and how to get comfortable with being one. This blog post is actually somewhat ‘meta’ in that we’re talking all about this subject in a format that we’re actually total beginners at - podcasting.


A We The Dreamers podcast has been in the works for some time now, and although we still have a lot of learning and work to do before we officially launch we wanted to share a preview episode about getting over the fear and frustration of being a beginner at something!

If you’ve ever felt totally discouraged and down on yourself for sucking at something new, you’re definitely not alone. We’ve both been there many times, and in this preview episode we take a deep dive into some of the things that help us get out of our own way when we’re struggling with not quite having the hang of something yet.

We figured there was no better way to have a conversation about being a beginner than to do it as true beginners ourselves, so take a listen and let us know what you think!

This preview episode is far from perfect, but in the spirit of literally practicing what we’re preaching here it felt like the perfect way to talk about this subject.

Here are a few of the quotes and books mentioned in this episode:

  • ”Comparison is the thief of joy.” – Theodore Roosevelt

  • “It is easier to act yourself into a new way of thinking, than it is to think yourself into a new way of acting.” - Millard Fuller

  • Stop Self Sabotage book by Judy Ho

  • The War of Art book by Steven Pressfield

How do you deal with the frustration and emotional rollercoaster of being a beginner?

We’re busy building up a bunch of ideas for future episodes, so if you have any topics you’d love to hear us cover once we officially launch drop them in the comments below!

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