Posts in life
THIS Is Why Your Closet Is Still A Huge Mess | Closet Detox Challenge Part 1 - Prep Before You Purge

It's closet cleanout / closet organization season, so join us for the Closet Detox Challenge! If you're wondering how to clean out your closet for good and truly detox your wardrobe, this challenge is for you.

This video is the first of a 3-part series where we'll prep, purge, and put our closets in order together! I'm gonna be doing the challenge in real time as we go, so join me and let's get our lives and our wardrobes refreshed for 2024!

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How to Make an Aesthetic Vision Board for 2024 to Manifest Your BEST Year Yet

In this video I'll show you how to make a vision board for the new year to manifest your best year yet in 2024! I'm sharing my process for creating vision boards, my words for 2024, and all the things I'm hoping to manifest and invite into my life in the new year.

Do you make vision boards? What kinds of things do you like to add to them?? Let me know in the comments!

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How To Get Motivated When You Feel Stuck | We The Dreamers Podcast - Episode 4

In this We The Dreamers video podcast, we're talking about how to get motivated when you feel stuck, overwhelmed, and burned out.

With me, Kate Voegele, and my little sis Courtney Voegele as your hosts, today we’re asking the question - how do you find motivation when you don't feel like doing anything at all? Let us know in the comments - what helps you get motivated when you're feeling stuck??

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How To Romanticize Your Life and Live Intentionally | We The Dreamers Podcast - Episode 3

The bad news is I'm not sure I'm doing "romanticizing my life" right. The good news is we created a FREE workbook with journal prompts to help you explore what this means to you and you can get your copy here!

”Romanticize your life” is the phrase I keep hearing all over social media this season, and today we're back on our channel with a brand new video podcast episode trying to figure out wtf it means.

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Should Your Hobby Be Your Job? We The Dreamers Podcast - Episode 2

What happens when your hobby becomes your job? SHOULD your hobby be your job? That’s the question we’re asking on the latest episode of the We the Dreamers podcast.

After writing all about how much having hobbies has helped me (Kate) as an adult, we wanted to take a deeper look at this conversation and focus specifically on the stupid pressure we both tend to put on ourselves to turn our hobbies into wildly successful careers. Sound familiar?

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What's the Best Revenge? We The Dreamers Podcast - Episode 1

“The best revenge is success” - have you ever heard this common advice? In our very first episode of the We The Dreamers Podcast, we’re talking all about why this idea can be incredibly toxic.

After getting a ton of responses to our original blog post on this topic, we decided to jump into the deep end for this first episode with a heavy on the tea-spilling conversation all about getting revenge, why it’s our first knee-jerk instinct to want it, and why trying to become successful in order to ‘get revenge’ is ultimately a toxic way to approach your life.

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The Best Revenge? Hint: It Isn't Success

"The best revenge is success".…How many times have you heard this? Maybe you've never heard it personally said to you before, but chances are you're familiar with some version of this idea.

Kate here, and having been in the entertainment business my entire life, this is something i've heard a million times. Whether someone was trying to give me advice after a bad breakup or a big business deal that didn't work out, it seemed like people always responded with some version of, "Oh, don't worry - the best revenge is success! Just go out and become super successful and they'll regret not treating you better or working out this deal."

Today I wanna share why I think this the worst success advice you could ever give (or take).

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Thoughts On Overcoming Perfectionism

it seems like the more time goes by, the more our culture values and rewards the idea of ‘perfectionism.’ “I’m a total perfectionist“ is one of those things that people say about themselves that they hope comes off as self-deprecating, but in reality sounds a lot more like a humble-brag. it’s basically written within our code to strive to be perfectionists and to believe that’s the best way to be, and I have pretty much spent my entire life trying to unlearn that.

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How To Get Comfortable With Being A Beginner

Have you ever been so excited to try something new or learn a new skill, only to find yourself immediately feeling discouraged at the frustration of being a complete beginner at it?

Today we’re both teaming up to share a really fun post about exactly that - being a beginner, and how to get comfortable with being one. This blog post is actually somewhat ‘meta’ in that we’re talking all about this subject in a format that we’re actually total beginners at - podcasting.

We figured there was no better way to have a conversation about being a beginner than to do it as true beginners ourselves, so take a listen and let us know what you think!

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Spring Cleaning: Toxic Household Items Edition

Although we’re still inching our way into consistently warm weather here in NYC, I’ve already catapulted myself into spring cleaning mode.

Courtney here—and today I’m talking about a few non-toxic household item swaps I’ve made in the past few weeks that are a little “cleaner” than the ones I had before.

After I read about all of the toxic chemicals in everyday items, I decided to start slowly. I began with the items that appear to be the worst offenders, and will slowly build up my arsenal of cleaner, greener products from there.

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How To Decorate As A Couple (Without Fighting)

Is it just me, or is decorating with your husband or partner a seemingly impossible task? If you’ve ever felt discouraged or experienced the familiar, all-consuming urge to throw breakable things during a conversation with your partner about decorating your place, this post is for you.

I’m writing this post from the very same boat, because my husband Brett and I have spent the past 13 years building quite an extensive resume of decor-related arguments. It’s not so much that we don’t like the same things - what’s crazy is that we actually do for the most part. There’s just something about trying to decorate as a couple and put your house together with someone else that can, at times, get tense.

Today I’m sharing my 4 best tips for how to decorate as a couple without fighting!

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How to Engage With Your Life: 5 Things I'm Doing Differently in 2022

If you’re anything like me, the start of a new year or season often brings about moments of reflection, reevaluation, and a renewed sense of perspective.

In early January, I was sitting on the couch after work, and out of nowhere, a thought popped into my head that said, “I’m not engaging with my life.” I’d never even heard that idea before—or at least I don’t remember hearing it, but all of a sudden, I had this moment of clarity where I was like…I don’t want this to be my status quo.

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The Best Life Advice I Got? Get A Hobby

I don’t exactly know when it happened, but at some point in my early adult life I think I accidentally stopped having hobbies. Can you relate?

Today I’m sharing some of the best life advice I ever got, and spoiler alert - it’s all about how having hobbies makes us happier.

I’ve been wanting to write about hobbies and why we should be deliberate about having them for awhile, because it’s a topic that gives way to an even bigger conversation about how we choose to spend our time and what’s important to us.

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You're Doing A Great Job. (No, Really)

This is a post for anyone who, like me, once again finds themselves an unwilling participant in the month of January’s favorite games. These include (but are certainly not limited to) games such as Question What The F*ck You’re Doing With Your Life, Attempt Implementing Impossible Resolutions, and Hold Yourself to Hilariously Unattainable Standards. Sound familiar?

For most people, this time of year has always been one of putting pressure on ourselves to make changes and start finally becoming whoever we want to be. That part is nothing new. But the current state of events has somehow rendered this January even more restless than the Januarys before, and to put it simply, it’s just a lot.

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5 Tips For Moving In Together

it’s kind of crazy to be saying this, but it’s coming up on the 10 year anniversary of me and my husband Brett living together. if I’m being real, we met about this time ten years ago and moved into a tiny apartment together three months later (!). though I’m well aware that’s a pretty fast track move compared to how most people do it, it’s been awesome and we wouldn’t have done it any differently.

looking back on the past decade, I wanted to share some of my favorite tips for moving in together and living together in general that we’ve learned over the years. we’re definitely not experts and we’re learning every day, but read on for the advice that worked best for us when we took the moving-in-together plunge!

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Anxiety About Going Back to Normal Is... Normal

We’ve officially arrived at the part of the pandemic where all the headlines have started celebrating the ‘return to normal,’ and while I love to see it as much as anyone, I’m also - for lack of a better term - kind of freaked out. Kate here, and today I wanna unpack why it’s more than okay if you’re anxious about going ‘back to normal.’

Part of the reason this influx of ‘get ready for back to normal’ content seems so off-putting to me is because it all seems to be presented in a cheeky, lighthearted voice usually reserved for ‘get ready for back to school!’ tips. And I get it - we all could use a healthy dose of light-hearted ANYTHING right now, me included. But does anyone else feel like we’re all just kind of glossing over the fact that this is still very much going on, here and elsewhere??

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The Best Advice I've Ever Heard on Following Your Passion

Hey guys, Courtney here. If you’re someone who has struggled to not define your worth by your career and your professional contributions, I am totally with you. I would definitely consider myself to be a multi-passionate person. I currently work in marketing, but within the past five years, I’ve been genuinely serious about being an elementary school teacher, going to culinary school, writing a book, and becoming an actress.

All those things are virtually completely unrelated, but they are all things I consider myself passionate about.

I’ve tried to work through the anxiety of figuring out my career by listening to podcasts, taking career aptitude tests, and reading self-help books. In that process, here is the best advice I’ve heard about following your passion.

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5 Inspiring Self-Help Podcasts in 2021

Hey guys, Courtney here!

As a 9-to-5er who travels to the office every week, the way I spend my time during my commute has become increasingly important to me.

Riding 40 minutes to and from work every day on the Metro means that I have a lot of time to listen to podcasts, music, and audiobooks. I unfortunately haven’t found a way to read (or barely text for that matter) given that I get extremely motion sick, but the audio versions have done wonders in passing the time.

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Courtney's Simple Morning Routine

Before the pandemic, “morning routine” wasn’t really in my vocabulary. I would pretty much roll out of bed, shower, and grab a granola bar on my way to work. Although sometimes it would leave me flustered and slightly disheveled, I just knew I was never going to be one of those productive-at-5:30am type people, and I decided that was okay.

Courtney here - and today I’m talking about my morning routine. Once the pandemic hit, I realized I needed some structure to my day to keep me grounded. If I don’t have at least some semblance of a plan going into my day, I will sit in bed on my phone or just stare out the window and overthink. That never really gets my day off to a good start (although I do admit that still sometimes happens), so I usually make a small (flexible) schedule in the notes app on my phone to plan out my day.

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