Posts tagged jewelry
How To Keep Jewelry Organized On Your Dresser

something i’ve really noticed about myself over the past couple of years is that if there is a blank surface in the house - the coffee table, the kitchen counter, the dining room table etc - it will probably inevitably end up becoming a ‘dump zone.’ just what is a dump zone you ask? a zone where pretty much everything that shouldn’t be there ends up getting dumped. it drives me CRAZY.

when i finally found an apartment with enough room to fit this dresser last year, i knew i wanted it to look beautifully styled but most importantly be functional. since my closet is so small that i actually can’t stand up in it (house tour coming soon with pics), my dresser top is the only sensible spot in the house to store jewelry.

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Crushing On: Collar Necklaces

happy weekend everyone! today we're sharing 13 of our favorite collar necklace picks, because could there really be anything more elegant and effortless to top off your outfit? i think not. i'm a huge fan of this look for a lot of reasons, of one of them is that IT DOESN'T GET TANGLED. i've been on the road a lot these past few months, and it's really hard to bring jewelry because so many of the necklaces get all tangled up in each other no matter how carefully you pack them. totally infuriating. these collar options are also awesome because they can be super minimalist and subtle or they can make a huge statement. and they look really beautiful with a bare shoulder, hair up look OR with a really cool top. the possibilities are endless.

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Buy or DIY: 8 Jewelry Storage Ideas That Aren't Ugly

in the midst of my new year closet cleanout kick, i've recently found that- like probably every chick ever- i own WAY. TOO. MUCH. JEWELRY. jewelry used to be the thing i'd add to my pile of stuff on the way to the register, because when it's inexpensive it feels pretty harmless. but the thing is- now i have tons of those cardboard multipacks of stud earrings still lying around, and the couple pairs that i didn't like as much as the others are still attached to the cardboard and just sitting there. it's driving me nuts and i decided it's time to control it. not just the earrings- ALL of it.

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