Posts tagged cozy
Roundup: Balloon Sleeve Sweaters for Fall

There’s something about the start of October that just sets the fall season in motion, isn’t there? After spending this past week in the paradise on Earth that is Jackson, Wyoming, I’m finding myself craving cozy fall wardrobe inspiration like crazy.

One of my favorite trends that’s started popping up everywhere this past year is balloon sleeves - or bubble sleeves, poofy sleeves, puffy sleeves - whatever you wanna call them. I’m particularly a fan of the balloon sleeve because the poofiest part of the sleeve is on the bottom vs. the shoulders.

Though I love a poofy shoulder on other people, I think I kind of struggle to pull it off, so a balloon sleeve is the just-right sweet spot that still allows me to fully participate in poofy sleeve-dom.

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5 Must-Try Faux Fur Coat Styles for Winter

it’s official - the red starbucks cups hath arrived and holiday decor is landing with gusto just about everywhere. this means that for many of us, it’s time to dig out the winter wardrobe and drape ourselves in layers for 6 months. the good news is, there are tons of cute and cozy faux fur coat styles this season, so consider the challenge accepted.

faux fur is one of our favorite looks for winter because it a) is cozy AF 2) is thick enough to do most of the heavy lifting in keeping you warm and d) gives you an instant hollywood glam feel.

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25 Days of Holiday Mantel Makeovers

it's time for some SERIOUS fireplace porn up in here. one of the things i love about the holiday season is that it's an awesome excuse to completely overhaul the decor in your house. during the other seasons, if i'm in the mood to majorly change things up, i usually have to come up with an elaborate reason that feels legitimate so my husband doesn't get overwhelmed. but during the holidays? ANYTHING GOES. don't let this opportunity pass you by. clear that existing shit off your mantel and let's go to work. 

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