Coffee Walk: Good Morning New Orleans

it's been a SUPER busy couple weeks over here at WTD, and for all good reasons. for one, our piña colada leggings are (finally!) back in stock, and we've been traveling like crazy (which is never in a bad thing in my book). we're back on the blog today with a little photo diary from one of my favorite cities in the entire world, New Orleans. 

i am totally in love with this city for a million reasons, but reason number one is probably that i got married here almost five years ago. we picked New Orleans because of its incredibly unique culture, architecture, food, and unparalleled expertise in having a damn good time. when we came through NOLA on tour this past January, I really only had enough time to grab a coffee and take a long walk, hence this latest edition of my 'coffee walk' travel post series. 

on tour we don't usually stay at 'cool' hotels- despite whatever you might picture when you picture musicians going on the road, the reality of the situation is usually a pretty far cry from the lifestyles of, say, instagram's most like-garnering travel bloggers. sure, we are technically traveling and playing music for a living, but in order to make the 'living' part work aka make a profit on the road, we don't usually have the luxury of staying at boutique, hipster accommodations. HOWEVER, on this particular show day, it was our keyboard player's bday and we found a sick rate the Ace hotel in New Orleans so we all treated ourselves. #worthit.

i gotta say, i really jam packed a lot of cool shit into the few hours i had to wander around. i started out with an almond milk cappuccino from the Stumptown Coffee attached to the Ace Hotel, and then stopped by Freda, an adorable shop with amazing jewelry and accessories by local designers, next door.

i headed into the French Quarter for yet another coffee (and all the powdered sugar fried dough goodness of beignets) at the notorious Café du Monde, and stopped by to say hi to my wedding venue, Latrobe's on Royal.

in a post-donut coma i grabbed an uber and headed for Saint Claude Social Club, an incredibly dreamy boutique in the Lower Garden District featuring an incredible collection of vintage clothes and local artists and jewelry designers. i honestly want to live in this shop. 

to cap off this perfect, sunny southern day, i had a bloody mary (ON POINT) and some incredible oysters at Pêche, which brought me right back to my hotel's neighborhood.

i can't wait to go back to NOLA when i have time to do more than just slam a few coffees and run around for a couple hours! what are your fave spots in this awesome city??

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